Gut Health 101: How The Foods You Eat Can Help Keep Your Gut Happy
People say that your gut is your second brain, and you know what? I think they might be onto something!
With the rise of social media and wellness influencers, we are seeing more people becoming aware of the importance of gut health to optimise overall wellbeing both physically and mentally.
But to start with, what on earth does the gut have to do with anything?!
To put it as simply as possible (because believe me, the gut is anything but!), the gut has the power to influence a number of health outcomes, conditions and symptoms. It is primarily known for its role in food digestion and nutrient absorption, but has also been linked to lots of other areas of our health including immune function, mental health and brain function.
The good news is, helping to maintain a healthy gut doesn’t need to be complicated and the foods you consume can make a huge difference. Here are some of my favourites to keep your gut happy and healthy all year round!
First things first, has anyone ever told you to “eat the rainbow”? Did you roll your eyes at them?
Well, you wouldn’t be the first! But the truth is, eating the rainbow helps you to consume a variety of different nutrients that help to fulfil a variety of roles in the body. This wide variety of nutrients contributes to diversity in the gut, which can help to improve overall gut health.
Research has found that people who consume 30 or more plant-based foods (including fruit and vegetables) have a more diverse range of good bacteria in their gut, indicating the importance of adding variety when it comes to the fruits and vegetables you choose to eat!
For me, I like to focus on achieving a rainbow of colours each week. This may include (but is not limited to):
- Red vegetables including capsicum (or bell peppers for you Americans in the room) and tomatoes
- Green vegetables including leafy greens (like spinach or kale), broccoli, beans and snow peas
- Legumes like black beans or chickpeas
- Orange/yellow vegetables like corn, carrots, pumpkin and sweet potato
And for those days or weeks that vegetables just aren’t looking appealing? Or maybe you just struggle to consume that many different kinds of plants! Greens powders can be a great option to supplement your whole food diet and increase the diversity of nutrients you are consuming and entering into your gut (my personal favourite are the Strawberry Burst Gorgeous Greens). While I will always advocate for food first where possible, greens powders can definitely have their place alongside the other fruits and vegetables on your plate!
Fibre plays a number of crucial roles in the body, including the functions of our gut. Think of fibre as the food for the good bacteria in your gut.
Fibre is broken down and used to drive digestion and absorption of nutrients, while also influencing the speed at which foods are passed through the body. Fibre is found in plant-derived foods including fruits and vegetables (yes… they’re back!), legumes, grains, nuts and seeds.
Some of my favourite high fibre options include:
- Legumes like black beans, chickpeas and tofu
- Wholegrains including oats and rye sourdough
- Nuts and seeds like peanut butter, almonds and sunflower seeds
- Fresh fruit and vegetables
Now hear me out. I know they can be an acquired taste, but research has connected eating fermented foods with digestive health. Lots of fermented foods contain the good bacteria which has been linked with improved protection against diseases. Some you could try include:
- Yoghurt and some cheeses (for my dairy lovers)
- Kombucha
- Kimchi and other fermented vegetables
- Tempeh
Before you go throwing out every packaged food in your fridge and pantry, STOP RIGHT THERE! I am here to tell you that this diet culture narrative that’s been floating around for years of processed foods being the devil ISN’T TRUE.
Let me explain.
Prioritising whole foods isn’t about cutting out the processed foods you love! It’s about finding ways to add extra whole foods in, to help cater your diet to you in a sustainable and enjoyable way.
This means you don’t need to eat salad or vegetables 24/7 to be “healthy”. You can eat the protein bar or the yoghurt or the cookie on the run and still be “healthy”. You can eat the hot chips, the chocolate, the crackers and dips and still be “healthy”.
I’m never going to tell you to give up the foods you love, whether they are “processed” or not. In fact, I’m going to tell you the complete opposite. I’m asking you to find a balance that works for you, one that includes both whole foods to best support your gut health, alongside other foods to keep you feeling satisfied and healthy.
Choosing foods that not only keep your gut happy and healthy, but leave you feeling a sense of joy from eating can help to keep you feeling physically and mentally your best. Finding a balance that works for you can help to create a sustainable pattern of eating while offering the diversity the gut so desperately craves, optimising and sustaining your overall health and wellbeing.
Support your gut health naturally with Naked Harvest’s supplements. Use my code COURTNEYLAYTHAM for 15% off the range. Enjoy!

By Courtney Laytham
After graduating in 2023, Courtney Laytham is a university qualified nutritionist, passionate about educating women on the importance of using food to fuel your best life. She believes in finding a balance between using food as a tool to sustain optimal health and wellbeing while continuing to enjoy the foods you love, helping women find their confidence and feel their best. Through combining her love of nutrition with a passion for moving in a way you love, Courtney works as a reformer pilates instructor, helping clients to find the enjoyment in healthy living while helping them feel their best without missing out on the life they love.